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kd 12.05.08 gününde İstanbul’da bulunan UNESCO-ICOMOS WHC heyeti’ne 3. KÖPRÜ YERINE YASAM PLATFORMU’nca elden teslim edilen, hem de ICOMOS Türkiye Heyeti dahil toplantıya katılan tüm STÖ’ lerin temsilcilerinin önünde yapılan sunumun ardından İstanbul’a gelen Heyetin Sekretaryasına bir mektup yazılarak yaratılan ortam için teşekkür edilerek, İstanbul boğazı ve çevresinin ekolojik dengesinin korunması için yol gösterici olmaları istenmiş ve konunun takipçisi olunduğu bir kez daha vurgulanmıştır.



M.Cemal Beşkardeş





Bay Junaid Sorosh-Wali

Program Uzman Asistani (Dünya Mirasi Merkezi Program Sekreter Üyesi)


Avrupa ve Kuzey Amerika Bölümü (CLT/WHC/EUR)

Dünya Mirasi Merkezi

7, Place de Fontenoy

75352 Paris – Fransa




Sevgili Junaid Sorosh-Wali Bey,


Bu yazımızla size, David Michelmore Bey’e ve UNESCO-ICOMOS WHC Heyeti’nin tüm seçkin üyelerine, 12.05.08 tarihinde İstanbul’da 2010 Avrupa Kültür Başkenti Merkezi’nde gerçekleştirilen toplantıda bizi dikkatle dinlediğiniz ve bize değerli açıklamalarda bulunduğunuz için içten teşekkürlerimizi sunuyoruz.


3. KÖPRÜ YERINE YASAM PLATFORMU’nun 52 adet katılımcıları olan sivil toplum örgütleri tarafından imzalanmış bulunan "Türkiye’deki ve Uluslararası Medyaya 10 Mayıs 2008 tarihinde Sarıyer-Boğaziçi-İstanbul’da iletilen BASIN ACIKLAMASI" başlığını taşıyan, iki sayfası bildirimizin metninden ve diğer sayfalarında 52 adet katılımcı sivil toplum örgütlerimizin listesini gösteren İngilizce

bildirimizin tarafınızca alındığının teyidini istiyoruz.


Birleşmiş Milletler İnsan Hakları Sistemi ile UNESCO Dünya Mirası Koruma Listesi, diğer bir ifadeyle BM UNESCO Anayasası ve Hukuku kapsamındaki 169. ila 172. maddelerin hükümlerinden kaynaklanan insan haklarımızla ilgili olarak tarafımıza yaptığınız tüm samimi açıklamalarınızı son derecede dikkatle not etmiş bulunmaktayız.


İstanbul Metropolitan Bölgesinin kuzeyinde Karadeniz’e kadar uzanan kesimiyle İstanbul Boğazı’nın bir bütün olarak, Kocaeli Yarımadası (Asya Yakası) ile Trakya Yarımadası (Avrupa Yakası) ekosistemlerinin (bundan şunu amaçlıyoruz:"biocografya-biocesitlilik-habitatlar" dahil İstanbul Boğazı bütüncül bir sistem olarak ele alınmalıdır) UNESCO Yasaları ve uluslararası hukuka uygun şekilde, Dünya Kültür ve Doğa Mirasını Koruma müktesebatı gereğince tescil edilmesi ve korunması için daha neler yapmamız gerektiğini lütfen bize bildiriniz.


İçten saygı ve şükranlarımızı sunarız.




M. Cemal Beşkardeş 

Platform Yürütme Kurulu Üyesi 



Mr. Junaid Sorosh-Wali

Assistant Programme Specialist


Section for Europe and North America (CLT/WHC/EUR)

World Heritage Centre
7, Place de Fontenoy
75352 Paris


Tel: +33-(0)1-4568-0738


Dear Mr. Junaid Sorosh-Wali,


Herewith I would like to express our sincere thanks to you, to Mr. David

Michelmore and to all the esteemed members of UNESCO-ICOMOS WHC

Delegation, for your kind attention and for your valuable explanations during

the meetings held on 12.05.08 in Istanbul, at the Istanbul 2010 Cultural

Capitol of Europe Center.


We would like to ask you to confirm your kind receipt of our declaration in

English, bearing the title

"PRESS RELEASE issued to the Turkish and International Media

on May 10th, 2008 at Sariyer – Bosphorus, Istanbul"

duly undersigned by 52 member civil societies and organisations of our


a document of 5 pages, 2 pages of which is the text of our declaration 

together with attached pages listing our 52 member civil societies in Istanbul.


We have noted with our utmost attention what you have sincerely explained

to us about the UN Human Rights System and UNESCO World Heritage

Conservation List, i.e. our human rights as expressed under articles 169 to

172 of UNESCO Constitution.


Please also kindly inform us what we have further to do to enlist and preserve

the Bosphorus (In Turkish: ISTANBUL BOGAZI or BOGAZICI) as a whole

together with the ecosystems of the Kocaeli Peninsula (Asian Side) and

of the Thrace-Trakya Peninsula (European Side) located at the upper

regions of Istanbul Metropolitan Region towards the Black Sea in the North,

under the UNESCO Regulations for applying the international laws under

Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage.


With our warmest regards and thanks.


Sincerely Yours


M. Cemal Beskardes


Board Member of the Platforms






PRESS RELEASE issued to the Turkish and International Media on

May 10th,2008 at Sariyer-Bosphorus, Istanbul:


"Third bridge across the Bosphorus is a crime. Such a venture would bear fatal results on

modern urbanization and metropolitan public transportation system of Istanbul."


Quoted from a public speech of Mr. Recep Tayyip Erdogan delivered on April 27th, 1995,

when he was Mayor of Metropolitan Istanbul


Ankara is trying again to market Istanbul’s values. However, this time the decision is taken by a

Prime Minister who had strongly objected to the third Bosphorus bridge project during his

previous duty period of mayorship of Istanbul City.


Those authorities who are approving the third Bosphorus bridge today do not mind any drastic

causes expected to arise when this process would bear "fatal results for Istanbul".


The Government Authority claims that third Bosphorus bridge will be constructed for solving the

problems of in-city traffic and public mass transportation whereas they assume that this bridge

would also facilitate the intercity transit traffic passing through Istanbul.


It is well-known today that the traffic problem of Istanbul is still waiting for scientific

expert solutions since many years. Two bridges have been constructed across the Bosphorus

in the years 1973 and 1989. Following the introduction of these two bridges the number

of vehicles passing across the Bosphorus increased about 30 times whereas the

number of passengers did not increase more than about 4 times.


The portion of transit passages over the bridges is around %2 (two percent) and it is proven by

traffic experts that this part could not be increased.


On the other hand, the part of public transportation vehicles in total traffic volume carrying over

%50 of passengers is hardly reaching %4, whereas the part of private cars carrying %30 of

passengers is taking %90 of total traffic volume.


We ask the following critical questions:

-Could the existing painful effets of in-city transportation and traffic be relieved by the third bridge?

-Would the third bridge open the way to all the unsolved problems and failures caused by the first and

the second bridges?


We believe that the third bridge would, as it is with the previous two bridges, not solve the traffic problems of Istanbul, contrarily it would just produce new unsolvable problems.


A new Bosphorus bridge would rapidly increase the number of rubber-tyred vehicles passing from Asian Side to European Side and vice versa, however the number of passengers transported could not be further increased. Since the Authorities do not have any scientifically acceptable transportation policies for the Metropolitan Istanbul, the result would not change much if three or more bridges would be constructed across the Bosphorus.


Unless a scientifically designed public mass transportation system between the two sides of the City is developed, the bridges will be serving to the rubber-tyred, exhauts gases emitting vehicles and NOT to the passengers.


Main purpose should be a fast, comfortable, reliable and economical city transportation. This objective can only be achieved by a well designed public transportation network.


The Authorities have declared to build another passage across the Bosphorus towards the northern regions of the City. By constructing any further bridges across the Bosphorus, the forests and water collecting reservoir areas of Istanbul will be terminated and the blood veins of Istanbul will be cut-off.


All the crucially important water reservoirs together with all the artificial water collection lakes and dams are located on the North of Istanbul. Those areas would suffer from the negative effects of the prospective passages and roads of the third bridge. Since Istanbul and surrounding regions are expected to suffer from a global drought in future years those areas should be preserved by the Authorities with utmost care.


Those water reservoir areas on the path of migrating birds do have an important role in the ecosystem of the Northern Region of Istanbul. The bridge and its road connections do threaten those water collection areas and the flora-fauna of the ecosystem. The presently limited water resources would be further reduced.


Those Authorities who are trying to transport water to Istanbul from the Melen River for solving the existing water shortage are the ones who plan to terminate the water reservoirs by building the third bridge across the Bosphorus.


It is clearly known that the third bridge would start a large-scale damage to forest lands on both sides of Istanbul, on the green lands of Kocaeli and Thrace Peninsulas. All the forests in the North which serve as oxygen generating areas, as breathing lungs of the City will be under great danger due to the bridge and its connection roads construction. An area about as large as the Belgrade Forest would be damaged as a result of the third bridge construction activities, as it is stated by the Authorities that the third bridge and its highways will be linked to the Black Sea Coastal Highway which has done great harm to the natural Black Sea Coastline.


Third Bosphorus Bridge is political rent project.


The project construction site has not been determined yet, but the land prices on the expected areas

have skyrocketed in the last months.


We believe that the main purpose behind the third bridge is the transferring of operation rights of the bridge together with the connection roads under a legal privatization scheme whereby all the land investors on the North would make tremendous capital gains. Those Authorities are serving to the highway contractors and real estate manipulators and are marketing the natural reserves and values of Istanbul and of the Country.


The decision makers of the Country have come now to the point of selling the air and water resources of Istanbul after having sold numerous public operations, companies, factories and lands of the Republic of Turkey to national and international capital owners.


Third Bridge is not for the public benefit of citizens of Istanbul.


Third bridge and its connection roads will cause many inhabitants of several urban districts to leave their living environments and loose their homes. Those Authorities do plan to market the urban lands under an "Urban Transformation" project to the capital owners by deprieving the inhabitants from their

housing and civil rights.


We believe that the Authorities should immediately start applying a scientific planning under the democratic participation of the citizens of Istanbul and by respecting the civil rights and public benefits of the citizens of Istanbul, the public interests, the protection of the natural, historical and cultural environment and values.


We believe that a public transportation system which is intensively supported by rail and sea transportation vehicles, supported by autobusses will be the optimal solution for Metropolitan Istanbul.


A planned action must be taken for activating public mass transportation and decreasing the portion of

Rubber-tyred vehicles and automobiles by applying negative incentives.


The most logical solution for Istanbul will be to use the scarce resources for enhancing the combined rail and sea transportation systems.


We, having put our signatures below,



To protect our forests, our water resources, our atmosphere,

Our lands, our districts, our past, our Bosphorus.


We call all the people of Istanbul, of Turkey and of the World to join our campaign

Against the third bridge across the Bosphorus which is endangering our lives.


Not the Bridge but human life!






Sarıyerliler Derneği, BOÇEV (Boğaziçi Çevre Kültür Dayanışma Derneği), TEMA Vakfı, Kilyos Çevre ve Koruma Derneği, Boğaziçi Arnavutköylüler Derneği, Kuzguncuklular Derneği, SOS İstanbul Çevre Gönüllüleri Platformu, Atatürkçü Düşünce Derneği, Halkevleri Sarıyer Şubesi, Halkevleri Beykoz Şubesi,Çağdaş Yaşamı Destekleme Derneği, Poligon Mahallesi Muhtarı, Baltalimanı Mahallesi Muhtarı,Sarıyer Mahallesi Muhtarı,Maden Mahallesi Muhtarı,Yenimahalle Mahallesi Muhtarı,Rumelikavağı Mahallesi Muhtarı, Beykoz Dernekler Birliği,Beykoz İnisiyatifi, İMECE-Toplumun Şehircilik Hareketi,TMMOB Orman Mühendisleri Odası İstanbul Şubesi,TMMOB Jeoloji Mühendisleri Odası İstanbul Şubesi,TMMOB Şehir Plancıları Odası İstanbul Şubesi, TMMOB Mimarlar Odası İstanbul Büyükkent Şubesi, ,TMMOB Çevre Mühendisleri Odası İstanbul Şubesi, EĞİTİM-SEN 3 Şube,DİSK Genel-İş 1 Şube, TÜM BEL-SEN 2 Şube, DİSK Emekli-Sen,Derbent Güzelleştirme Yardımlaşma Derneği, Maden Mahallesi Dereiçi Kültür Sosyal Yardımlaşma Derneği, Kazım Karabekir Paşa Mahallesi Yardımlaşma Derneği,Maden Mahallesi Çevre Yardımlaşma Derneği, Tonyalılar Kültür Yardımlaşma Derneği, Gazete Sarıyer, "Vapurlarımızı Vermiyoruz!" Platformu, "Biz Kaç Kişiyiz" Sarıyer Gönüllüleri, Haydarpaşa Dayanışması Platformu,TÜKODER Tüketiciyi Koruma Derneği Beykoz Şubesi,TÜKODER Tüketiciyi Koruma Derneği Üsküdar Şubesi, Yurtsever Cephe Mühendis Mimar Şehir Plancıları, Toplumsal Dayanışma Derneği, Sarıyer Doğa ve Hayvan Dostları Platformu, Türk Kadınlar Birliği, Kireçburnu-Ömürtepe Mahallesi Derneği Girişimi, Eğitim-İş Sarıyer Temsilciliği, Sarıyer Belediye Meclisi Üyesi Hüseyin Coşkun,Sarıyer Belediye Meclisi Üyesi Erdal Sarıgöl,İstanbul Büyükşehir Belediye Meclisi Üyesi Engin Erkin



Sent: Thursday, May 22, 2008 6:06 PM
Dear Dr. Cemal Beskardes,

Thank you for your message.

All propositions for inscription should be submitted officially by the State Party

(in this case Turkey ).  

Since the historic areas of Istanbul are already inscribed on the World Heritage List,

you may ask the relevant national authorities (Mr Gurkan of Ministry of Culture and

Tourism and Mr Sari, the site manager) to consider the possibility of extension of the site.

Please notice that all WH sites should have an Outstanding Universal Value and comply

with the conditions of integrity and authenticity.

For further information please consult our link below:

It was very nice to meet you during our meeting with NGO’s.

Best regards,

Junaid Sorosh-Wali

Centre du patrimoine mondial

Unité Europe et Amérique du Nord



Sevgili Dr. Cemal Beskardes,

Mesajiniz icin size tesekkür ederiz.

Tüm kayit ve tescil teklifleri (WH=Dünya Mirasi Listesi icin) Devlet Tarafi

(bu vakada Türkiye=T.C.) olarak resmen sunulmalidir.

Istanbul’un tarihi alanlari Dünya Mirasi Listesi’ne önceden kayit ve tescil

edilmis oldugundan siz ilgili ulusal resmi mercilere (Sn. Mehmet Gürkan,

T.C. Kültür ve Turizm Bakanligi-Kültür Varliklari ve Müzeler Gen. Md. Şube

Md. ile Sn.Ihsan Sari, Istanbul Tarihi Yarimada Alan Yönetimi Baskani’na

müracaat etmemizi öneriyor ki, her iki zat da bizim Heyete karsi yaptigimiz

sunumu toplantida izlemislerdi) basvurarak kayitli alanlarin genisletilmesi

olanagini degerlendirmelerini isteyebilirsiniz.

Lütfen Dünya Mirasi alanlarinin "Üstün Evrensel Değer"e sahip olmalari,

ayrica "tutarlilik" (integrity) ile "gercege uygunluk" (authenticity) kosullariyla

örtüsmesi zorunlulugunu not ediniz.

Daha fazla bilgi edinmek icin lütfen bizim asagidaki linkimize


Istanbul’da STÖ’lerle yaptigimiz toplantida sizinle karsilasmamiz

bizim icin cok sevindiriciydi.


Junaid Sorosh-Wali

Centre du patrimoine mondial

Unité Europe et Amérique du Nord




