No To Privatization
BTS protested against the privatization of State Railways.Devamı için tıklayınız »
Kamusal işletmecilik adına ulaşıma ve demiryollarına, insanca yaşam adına kente ve kültürümüze, insan hakları adına pozitif ayrımcılığa ve kadın haklarına sahip çıkıyor ve savunuyoruz.
BTS protested against the privatization of State Railways.Devamı için tıklayınız »
It is recorded that in the year 425 of the Common Era era, by decree of the Byzantine emperor Theodosius II, a secular institution of higher learning was established in Istanbul, then known as Costantinopolis. Assembling the various branches of human inquiry under the roof of the so-called Magnaura Palace, this institution can be considered a very early type of university; indeed, in a history of universities, it appears on top of the list as being the oldest university in Europe with names such as University of Costantinopolis, or the Magnaura Palace University or, in Greek, "Pandidakterion tes Magnauras".
You can download our newly translated presentation about Marmaray and its future destructive effects on the historical and the cultural heritage.
This letter aims to draw your attention upon the historic railways of Istanbul. Today it is necessary to take urgent actions in order to safeguard the historic railways of Istanbul (remnants of Rumelie and Anatolian Railways) located on both sides of the city, from the destructive effects of the Marmaray Project. This project is announced to be one of the most important transportation projects of our era, for it will connect Europe with Asia. However, it is a project in denial of the existing cultural and historic heritage of the railways.